Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Finding Fauna on June 5th, 2007

Bird Sillouette... Red Wing?

I believe this is a Common Grackle.

Mrs. Frog seeks safety in a culvert at the Bangor City Forest.

She is a "Green Frog" or Rana Clamitans

I believe this moth is in the "Skipper" family.

A House Sparrow (which my sister informs me is not really a sparrow at all, but a European Weaver Finch import) waits for hand-outs at a hotdog stand in Hampden

A red squirrel eats a pine cone on the boardwalk at the Orono Bog

A Double-Crested Cormorant trespasses so he can dry off from his swim

A Common Garter Snake stops to pose for a photo

The Common Garter smiles for the camera

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