Monday, March 26, 2012

Saying Goodbye to the Canada Geese

I have a lot of catching up to do!

It is finally spring, though we really didn't have much of a winter.  Not much snow at all which will cause some issues this summer unless it starts pouring.  Lately we are seeing a lot of Canada Geese coming home.  Here are some photographs from some of our more reccent trips to the beach.

Canada Geese Heading South in October of 2011:

Here are the Canada Geese Visiting Sandy Point on Their Way Back to Central Maine:

These 5 geese flew over to a pond behind us.  We then proceeded to walk to the pond and watched them for a bit.  They were all the way across the pond, but when they saw us, the began swimming swiftly towards us.  I think my dog may have kept them at bay, though she was really oblivious of any other creatures.  I had her at a down-stay as I watched and photographed the birds during their rest stop at this pond.  This pond was located in Stockton Springs, Maine.

These geese were visiting a  pond near Sandy Point State Park,
in Stockton Springs, Maine

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Eagle Sightings

I have not posted in a long time now.  Rest assure, it was not because of lack of photographs.  It was not because I have stopped travelling the woods and fields and beaches either.  I have no good excuse!  I am working on organizing all my nature photos by theme/subject.  For example I will create a folder "Birds" and below open individual folders such as "Crow", "Sparrow" etc.  Since I have a large huge number of photographs in my library this will be a very large task.

Anyway, instead of talking about these photos, let me now share some with you all!

Reccently I was able to photograph the Eagle that lives down on the river by Hollywood Slots.  There is a pair.  This series shows the male on some ice in the river.  There are mergansers swimming near by.

Here he is flying to a different spot in the river.  Thankfully he perched himself in a spot closer to me.

And he takes off...
"Nothing good to eat here."
This past summer was the first time I saw any of these Eagles in the area.  This photo is the photo I used to identify the bird who was too far out for me to see without my camera.
You can see a sliver of Eagle here as it takes off from a tree.
This may be a young Eagle as it had some brown smudged on his white areas.
More reccently, I saw BOTH Eagles flying together in the wind over the river and over Brewer.  They were very hard for me to track with my camera.
Last weekend I saw an Eagle land on the rocks out in Fox Pond off the Black Woods Rd. in Franklin nearest Cherryfield.
My father doesn't want to hear anymore when I saw or photographed an Eagle.  Apparenly he is upset that he has not seen any.  Saw one yesterday about 5 miles down the road from him!