Monday, March 26, 2012

Saying Goodbye to the Canada Geese

I have a lot of catching up to do!

It is finally spring, though we really didn't have much of a winter.  Not much snow at all which will cause some issues this summer unless it starts pouring.  Lately we are seeing a lot of Canada Geese coming home.  Here are some photographs from some of our more reccent trips to the beach.

Canada Geese Heading South in October of 2011:

Here are the Canada Geese Visiting Sandy Point on Their Way Back to Central Maine:

These 5 geese flew over to a pond behind us.  We then proceeded to walk to the pond and watched them for a bit.  They were all the way across the pond, but when they saw us, the began swimming swiftly towards us.  I think my dog may have kept them at bay, though she was really oblivious of any other creatures.  I had her at a down-stay as I watched and photographed the birds during their rest stop at this pond.  This pond was located in Stockton Springs, Maine.

These geese were visiting a  pond near Sandy Point State Park,
in Stockton Springs, Maine

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